Marine Energy Wales
Home » Marine Energy Wales welcomes new Offshore Renewable Energy Programme

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) recently announced a new Offshore Renewable Energy Programme (OREP) to support offshore renewable energy in Wales. NRW as a regulator and advisor in Wales has a vital role to play in the delivery of sustainable, clean energy.

Commenting on the announcement, David Jones, Project Director of Marine Energy Wales, said, “This is further evidence of the commitment to marine energy in Wales. NRW are critical to Wales’ ambition to decarbonise our future and we will continue to work collaboratively with them so that marine energy can play a role in a low carbon Wales. OREP will undoubtedly support the recently adopted Welsh National Marine Plan which provides a framework for the sustainable management of Welsh seas where increasing marine energy is a priority.

There are currently 13 new vacancies to support OREP which will deliver a programme of work designed to support sustainable offshore renewable energy such as wind, wave and tidal power.

For more information on the programme and the vacancies, click here. For any queries please contact James Moon, NRW, Lead Specialist advisor, Offshore Renewable Energy