Marine Energy Wales

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Marine Energy offers the chance for a fulfilling career. Our education programme aims to inspire learners about the sector and the many  future employment opportunities on offer, in line with the Welsh Government’s Net Zero Skills Action Plan.

Coastal Curriculum

Our acclaimed ‘Coastal Curriculum’ programme, developed through our parent company, Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum (PCF), delivers field trips and workshops into Pembrokeshire’s schools and Further Education College. We help to develop an understanding of the marine energy industry, the job opportunities on offer, and the role renewables will play in tackling climate change.

Bridge the skills gap

We can offer members the support and advice needed to develop strategic projects to help bridge the skills gap in future careers.

Our Education Manager is highly experienced at working in collaboration with companies.

Inform Educate

School Resources

Available to download in English and Welsh, we have developed a series of presentations and follow-up exercises from primary through to secondary level as an introduction to marine renewable energy.

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Interactive Display

Bringing the benefits of marine energy to life, our interactive, mobile display is designed to help inform, educate and engage audiences in a hands-on way. Available to loan, the display is a great way to raise the impact value of any public event.

Inform Educate

Career Opportunities

Through our parent company, Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum, we support placement students with an interest in marine renewable energy. In the wider community, we work with Careers Wales to represent the marine renewables sector at events, and produce a booklet showcasing the routes into this fast-developing industry.

Working together

Get in touch with our Education Manager if your company would like to discuss how we can work together.