Marine Energy Wales
Home » SEACAMS Event: Integrated Marine Data and Information System (iMarDIS)


1800-1900 (Prior to drinks reception)­­­, 29th March 2017. ­­­Energy Suite, Village Hotel, Swansea.


Introducing the SEACAMS Integrated Marine Data and Information System (iMarDIS): A one-stop-shop for marine data and information


The purpose of this event is to initiate a dialogue with business partners which will inform the design of iMarDIS and more clearly define products and services that businesses require.

 iMarDIS is a new environmental informatics capability within SEACAMS 2 that will provide a state of the art data management and information dissemination system. The event will introduce the concept and ambition of iMarDIS, and provide examples of data discovery and delivery together with preliminary products

 Working with many marine businesses in Wales during the SEACAMS program we learnt several lessons. These included:

  •  high resolution quality assured data are required in an industry-agreed format that can be rapidly retrieved and manipulated, 
  • lack of a single point of access for existing data and information hampers efforts to acquire knowledge that informs decisions.

 iMarDIS will turn data into useable information by working with marine business partners to identify needs and to co-develop fit for purpose solutions for data, products and services. iMarDIS will provide access to SEACAMS data alongside other relevant UK and European marine data as required to meet end-user needs.

 Recent developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and data science provide new ways to collect, manage, process, analyse, visualize, interpret and provide timely access to information and new knowledge to reduce risk for business. New ways to observe our coastal environments are being rapidly developed and deployed in the field, for example, using high resolution multi-parameter sensors and autonomous platforms. Rapid development in numerical models coupled with High Performance Computing provide new and reliable capability for detailed simulation and prediction of marine environmental status over many time and space scales. The paradigm shift in our ability to observe and simulate the marine environment resulting in the generation of unparalleled amounts of data requires a similar shift in our ability to turn these data into useable information. iMarDIS will use these developments in data science and work with businesses to create actionable information to enable faster and better decisions for business.

 This event will be an opportunity for you to work with us to co-design iMarDIS to co-develop the products and services that you need.