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Home » Marine Energy Council announces 13 new Lead Partners

The Marine Energy Council (MEC) has announced that 13 new companies have joined their industry group as Lead Partners. The Partners will support their ambition to make the UK the world leader in tidal stream and wave energy.

Established in 2018, the MEC has been instrumental in improving the investment landscape for marine energy in the UK, including securing three successive tidal stream ringfences in the UK’s renewable auctions, and raising the profile of wave energy’s role in the future energy mix.

Marine Energy Wales works closely with the MEC to share industry insights, ensure alignment on key policy asks and forge a pathway to Welsh wave & tidal energy opportunities.

The MEC has recently undergone a period of growth, with new members joining from around the world and across the marine energy value chain. To support the organisation’s expansion and increasing its capacity the MEC introduced a Lead Partnership model for 2024/25.

MEC’s Lead Partners are the industry leaders in tidal stream and wave energy, representing the most innovative companies and organisations working at the forefront of realising the UK’s 30GW+ of marine energy potential.

Lead Partners will play a key role in the MEC’s future, taking positions on the MEC’s Board, and providing strategic direction to the MEC’s activities.

The Lead Partners are:

  • CorPower Oceana Swedish wave energy company with a pilot-project currently deployed in Portugal and a 5MW array planned in Ireland.
  • The European Marine Energy Centrefirst established in 2003 EMEC is a world-leading test centre that has delivered over £370m GVA to the UK economy.
  • HydroQuesta leading French tidal stream company that has successfully piloted its 1MW array turbine for two years.
  • HydroWingsuccessfully secured a 10MW tidal stream contract in the Government’s latest renewable auction, HydroWing recently opened up new offices in north Wales to support project delivery.7
  • Leask Marineinternational marine contractors that have completed over 900 major offshore projects around the world.
  • Magallanes Renovablesa Spanish tidal stream company that has secured over 10MW renewable contracts to deliver projects in Scotland and Wales.  
  • Minesto: with operations in Wales, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, Northern Ireland and Taiwan, Minesto is a Nasdaq-listed tidal stream kite company. Minesto is playing a leading role in delivering the Faroe Islands’ ambition to deliver a decarbonised energy system by 2030.   
  • Morlais: Anglesey-based tidal stream energy project with 240MW of capacity.
  • Nova Innovationa world-leading marine energy company and experts in tidal stream, floating solar and marine services. In 2023, Nova Innovation secured Horizon Europe funding to deliver SEASTAR and install a 16 tidal turbine array in Orkney.
  • Offshore Renewable Energy Catapultthe UK’s leading innovation centre for offshore renewable energy.
  • Spiralis Energyan Earthshot Prize nominee tidal developer that successfully tested its axial skelter prototype in May 2024. Spiralis is seeking to deploy its first array comprised of turbines made of recycled plastic, survivable for 25 years in the ocean.  
  • Scottish Renewablesthe voice of Scotland’s renewable energy industry.
  • Wave Energy Scotlanda Scottish Government programme that has supported over 130 projects, committing £50m to 300 separate organisations, across 18 countries.

Sue Barr, Chair of the MEC, welcomed the new Lead Partners:

Tidal stream and wave energy can have a key role in delivering the UK’s net zero ambitions. The MEC was created to give tidal stream and wave energy a voice and support efforts to make the UK attractive to investors and technology developers from around the world.

Thanks to the support of our Lead Partners our work can continue. With a world-leading pipeline of tidal stream projects, and significant wave energy resource, I look forward to working with the Lead Partners and the new Board in realising the UK’s marine energy potential.