Home » Contract Notice – Wave-tricity


Wave-tricity is looking to procure two boats for transfer of personnel and equipment in the Milford Haven Waterways.

The two vessels, a work and a support boat, will be stored on Wave-tricity’s pontoons during the 24-month contract. The contract also includes delivering the vessels to Pembroke Dock and their maintenance for the period of 24 months.

The work boat should be at least 34 ft long for sea keeping, capable of carrying 10 people including crew, while the RIB support boat needs to be able to fit 8 people..

The deadline to submit tenders is set for April 13, 2017.

For more information including how to register your interest, click here.

Wave-tricity last week deployed its Ocean Wave Rower device off Pembrokeshire, Wales.

The device has been built by Mainstay Marine Solutions.