#MEW2025 – Marine Energy Wales Annual Conference

Join the UK’s leading marine renewable energy conference, bringing together industry, policymakers, and innovators to shape the future of marine renewable energy.

📅 7-8 May 2025 | 📍 All Nations Centre, Cardiff

become a member

With our ever-growing network, we are proud to provide a voice for the wave, tidal and floating offshore wind industries.

Membership is open to companies, institutions, partnerships, groups and organisations who are actively engaged or looking to become engaged with the sector.

2024 State of The Sector Report

Wales’ Marine Energy Sector delivers £30 million to the Welsh economy in 2023 / 24 with Anglesey and Pembrokeshire leading the way.

Our 2024 State of the Sector report collates spending and economic data from our network of members, and highlights and celebrates Wales’ progress and achievements within the industry over the past 12 months.

It is the go-to document for Wales’ marine renewable energy sector, providing comprehensive insights, analysis, data and features on the industry in Wales.


What is Marine Energy?

Our coastline’s natural resources – wind, waves and tides – have tremendous potential to produce cheap, clean energy and support thousands of new jobs in the renewable sector.

Marine Energy is one of the UK’s fastest growing industries with the power to transform our coastal communities and deliver long term economic, social and environmental benefits.


Become a Marine Energy Wales member.


Find out more about what we do.

Our Mission

Supporting a future powered by the ocean.


Marine energy is one of the UK’s fastest growing industries. Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW) and Tidal Stream are poised to be at the forefront of the opportunity for Wales.


in Wales’ marine energy sector to date.

full-time jobs created

and that’s just the beginning!

Economic Opportunity

for Wales in the next 5 years.


OF THE Economic Benefits

will be in rural, coastal areas

Wales’ Story

The waters off the coast of Wales have some of the best wave, tidal and wind energy resources in Europe. All of these can be harnessed to generate clean power to help us reach net zero whilst protecting our valuable marine habitats. Fostering a thriving, diverse marine energy sector means generating power from multiple sources:



Moving water carries kinetic energy which can be captured by wave energy devices.



Predictable and reliable, tidal energy offers a near continuous power supply.

Offshore Wind


Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW) uses floating structures tethered to the sea bed and will become the backbone of our future electrical energy system.

What we do

Marine Energy Wales connects, represents and champions the marine energy industry in Wales.