Home » Labour forecasting reports for Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay


In early 2015, Welsh Government commissioned SEMTA and the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) to produce labour requirement forecasts specifically relating to the manufacturing of turbines for, and construction of, the proposed Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon project. The reports have been presented in 2 papers, for manufacturing and for construction, and have been released today.

Labour demand for the manufacturing and assembly of the main components required for the project is forecast to support around 1,197 full-time equivalents (FTEs) during a 5-year build period. Labour demand for construction is forecast to peak in 2019 at slightly over 1,000 people. Additionally, there is also an estimated demand for 28 FTEs continuing for the operation and maintenance of the power plant for the useful life of the tidal lagoon (estimated to be a minimum of 120 years) – total of 1,225 FTEs.

The full reports can be viewed here – http://www.learningobservatory.com/sbtl