Marine Energy Wales

Home » Selkie Extends Tender Call for wave and tidal energy developers

The SELKIE cross-border project aiming to boost the marine energy industry in Wales and Ireland has launched calls for wave and tidal energy developers to tender their services for two pilot demonstration projects.

SELKIE is bringing together leading researchers and businesses to improve the performance of marine energy devices and technologies. University College Cork are leading the project in partnership with Swansea University, Marine Energy Wales, Menter Môn, DP Energy Ireland and Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation programme.  

The project is developing a streamlined commercialisation pathway for the marine energy industry by establishing a cross-border network of developers and supply chain companies in Ireland and Wales. Multi-use technology tools, templates, standards and models are being created for use across the sector in Wales and Ireland. These include:

  1. Techno-economic Models
  2. Foundations and Mooring Design
  3. Physical and Numerical Array Modelling
  4. Sensor Optimisation and Data Analysis
  5. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Logistics Models

SELKIE will test and validate the technology tools on two pilot demonstration technologies; one wave and one tidal, chosen by open tender. Using a structured development path, the pilot testing will advance the knowledge and improvement of marine energy devices in terms of their reliability, survivability, operability, stability and commercial viability.

The Selkie Project is seeking quotes for the services of a Tidal Energy Developer company and a Wave Energy Developer company to validate the tools developed during the project. This is a funded opportunity.

Selkie Project Coordinator, Gordon Dalton said “Selkie project outcomes will ensure that Wales and Ireland remain at the forefront of wave and tidal development in the world, availing of a set of customised tools developed for the Wales and Ireland developers. The project will be engaging and cooperating with the entire range of developers and supply chain which will lead to an engaged and interactive community. Ultimately, Selkie aims to benefit the Welsh and Irish wave and tidal sector in the key areas of pushing down costs, making the new local technologies globally competitive and progressing them along the pathway to commercialisation.”

Marine Energy Wales Lead, Jess Hooper said “Wales and Ireland have enormous potential to deliver sustainable marine energy thanks to our natural resources. Establishing a cross-border network of developers and supply chain companies and bringing together expertise from institutions and business in Wales and Ireland to develop these innovative solutions cooperatively will strengthen the marine energy sector even further.”


Due to the Covid19 situation, the deadline for applications for Wave and Tidal Energy Developers has been extended.

For the Wave Energy Pilot Project, further information and details for application are here: SELKIE Invitation to Quote for Wave Energy development company. The deadline for application is 12pm on Thursday 30th April 2020. Quotes should be submitted by email to TJ Horgan at

For the Tidal Energy Pilot Project, further information and details for application are here: SELKIE Invitation to Quote for Tidal Energy development company. The deadline for application is 12pm on Thursday 30th April 2020. Quotes should be submitted by email to Angharad Marshall-Smith at



The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation programme