Home » Bombora response to COVID-19 and 1.5MW Pembrokeshire Demonstration Project Update

Bombora’s Head Office, Pembroke Dock, Wales.

Bombora’s first response to COVID-19 has been to put the safety of its staff at the forefront. Following UK Government and World Health Organisation advice Bombora’s European Head Office in Wales is closed as is Bombora’s Testing Facility and Assembly Workshop. Staff are adapting well to working from home and have adopted new practices to stay connected and keep motivated.

A dedicated COVID-19 Response Team has been meeting regularly to manage and minimise the impact of the global pandemic on Bombora’s 1.5MW mWave Pembrokeshire Demonstration Project, future commercial initiatives and general business plans.

During this difficult period Bombora is also working closely with its extended family of suppliers, contractors and partners to support them to prioritise staff safety and minimise impact. It has become clear, that with many suppliers being forced to shut temporarily, delays to the 1.5MW mWave Pembrokeshire Demonstration Project schedule are inevitable. The Bombora team are working on a plan to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the deployment date of their first full scale mWave. Despite the challenging environment Bombora remain confident it will be possible to install its landmark 1.5MW mWave Pembrokeshire Project in the first half of 2021.

Bombora’s Chief Operations Officer, Dave Rigg commented: “We are doing everything possible to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on our people, partners and projects. We are in unchartered territory and have to be realistic and accept that there will be delays to our project.  Safety must be our first priority right now. The team are working from home, are fully contactable, and remain focussed on progressing the Pembrokeshire project and our follow up 3.0MW grid connected wave park project in Lanzarote. When the time is right, together with our suppliers and partners, we will resume the assembly of our ground-breaking wave energy project.”

Bombora’s 1.5MW mWave Pembrokeshire Demonstration Project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through Welsh Government.

Bombora Wave Power