Marine Energy Wales

Home » Marine Energy Wales launches its 2020 highlights report to set the scene for the Annual Marine Energy Wales conference this week

Ahead of this year’s Annual Marine Energy Wales Conference 2021, Marine Energy Wales (MEW) has launched its “2020 highlights and reflections report”. The report, a month by month walk through, is packed full of the accomplishments of the sector and MEW itself, through the calendar year.  

Marine Energy Wales works to demonstrate that Wales is at the forefront of this industry which can realise significant opportunities for economic growth, jobs and prospects in coastal communities. This report demonstrates the positive progress that took place in 2020 and highlights the resilience of the emerging marine renewable energy sector in the backdrop of a global pandemic. From supply chain engagement, a Marine Licence application for Wales’ national test centre; META, involvement in Selkie – bringing expert academic and world-class research to Wales through to consultation responses, strategic consenting considerations and a series of exciting webinars on the sector including one as part of Wales Climate Week – the MEW calendar was a packed one.

The report is launched ahead of the MEW Annual Conference. Held online this year, the conference is taking place over three days and covers all aspects of the emerging marine renewable sector from wave and tidal, to floating offshore wind and the incredible potential of green hydrogen. Starting tomorrow, Wednesday 27th January, the conference boasts an exciting programme which explores the sector in more depth and demonstrates the opportunities ahead for the industry in Wales in 2021 and beyond. Find out more about the conference and get your tickets here

Speaking about the conference Jess Hooper, MEW Programme Manager said: “We are looking forward to welcoming delegates to the virtual MEW Conference which will showcase Welsh industry and give the audience the chance to hear more about current and future plans. Our Welsh companies are global leaders in sustainable marine energy technology which has considerable export potential around the world.”

“We will also hear from the developers and innovation centres at the forefront of emerging offshore energy in Wales who are developing next generation technologies and projects to harness the power from our seas including; Blue Gem Wind, Bombora, Minesto, Nova Innovation, Marine Power Systems and the ORE Catapult.”

The sector in Wales continues to drive inward investment with a number of international wave, tidal and floating offshore wind developers relocating their headquarters to Wales and despite the global pandemic, 2020 has seen significant efforts made to continue to drive this sector forward enabling a meaningful contribution from the blue economy to the green recovery.  


The report can be found here:  




Notes to Editors:

Marine Energy Wales

Marine Energy Wales brings together technology and project developers, the supply chain, academia and the public sector to establish Wales as a global leader in sustainable marine energy generation, making a significant contribution to a low carbon economy.

The benefits of this industry are being felt throughout the country with the creation of green sustainable jobs, growth and skills providing significant development opportunities for Wales.

Marine Energy Wales is an initiative developed and managed by Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum, a Community Interest Company that works to protect and enhance the coastal and marine environment for current and future generations.

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Name Jess Hooper

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Phone – 07375 412150