Home » WEFO Call for Small Scale Renewable Energy Proposals

Around £14m of EU funds are available for more small scale community renewable energy proposals.

WEFO is looking for proposals that will demonstrate the ability of a community to produce its own energy source and manage it through a smart grid application. Proposals should be able to deliver the infrastructure and be operational within the programme timescales.

The types of proposals likely to be supported are:

  • Schemes that will deliver the infrastructure and be operational before the programmes close. Schemes that demonstrate sustainability beyond the ERDF intervention and the ability to future-proof energy supply reducing the complete reliance upon existing energy suppliers.
  • Schemes that incorporate a storage solution to time-shift the energy created to when it is needed.
  • Schemes that are already beyond the initial scoping phase with a clear idea of the solutions and infrastructure to be put in place.
  • Schemes that are able to demonstrate a strong sustainable plan for continuation of the community energy solution after the ERDF intervention.
  • Schemes that have a clear understanding of where match funding for the proposal can be sourced.
View the full guidance document in English and in Welsh.

Submissions of interest or queries should be submitted to WEFOEnergyBranch@Wales.GSI.gov.uk.