Home » Minesto awarded consent for Holyhead Deep installation

Minesto_30 April 2014 nbr10.indd


Leading tidal energy developer Minesto has taken yet another important step towards commercialisation of its unique Deep Green technology in Welsh tidal streams, as the company has received marine license for a 0.5MW installation in Holyhead Deep. 

Consenting authority Natural Resources Wales has approved a marine licence application by Minesto for the installation and operation of a 0.5MW Deep Green power plant in Holyhead Deep off the coast of Anglesey.  

A marine license is required for all kind of offshore construction work and deposits in UK waters. Thus, the awarded consent is a milestone achievement for Minesto in its North Wales project, Minesto’s CEO Dr Martin Edlund said:

“We are very pleased to have been awarded consent for our first installation in Holyhead Deep. It’s a great achievement by everyone involved in the application process, and yet another deliverable met as we move towards commercialisation of our Deep Green power plant.”

Leading up to the approved application an in-depth Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been carried out. The EIA considered the potential impacts acts on fisheries, marine mammals, sea birds, marine archaeology and cultural heritage as well as shipping and navigation, which were concluded to be ‘not significant’.

The now consented installation in Holyhead Deep is planned for this year and it will include a single Deep Green device, seabed foundation and a buoy moored at surface. This first commercial-scale installation of Deep Green will demonstrate and prove the unique tidal energy technology ahead of plans to expand Holyhead Deep into Minesto’s first tidal energy array.