Home » Minesto invites AC/DC tenders


Swedish tidal energy developer, Minesto, has launched a tender to acquire an AC/DC converter that will be used for its tidal energy project off Wales.

Minesto is looking for a feasible contractor or a consortium of contractors that can deliver an AC/DC converter, according to the Welsh government’s procurement portal Sell2Wales.

The AC-DC converter Minesto seeks should convert the input voltage 400V- 550V, 47-63Hz AC to 48V DC output.

The tender closes on October 19, with the expected award date set for October 26, 2016.

Minesto is developing a 500kW tidal power plant in a form of a ‘flying’ kite tethered to the sea floor, planned for deployment off Anglesey in 2017.

For more information including how to register your interest, please click here.