Marine Energy Wales

Home » First Minister Details Next Steps for Tidal Lagoon Challenge

The First Minister of Wales addressed more than 500 delegates at the Marine Energy Wales Conference in Swansea today, outlining the Welsh Government’s ‘huge commitment’ to the offshore renewable energy sector.

Speaking about the next steps for the Tidal Lagoon Challenge, First Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“We will award up to £750,000 of funding, over two years, to a variety of project bids to fund innovative research which address the key questions related to tidal lagoon delivery.


The work of the selected tidal lagoon applicants will either help us to address barriers that have prevented tidal lagoon delivery to date, or shine a light, and grow our understanding of the wide range of benefits tidal lagoon technology can bring to Wales.


Through undertaking this tidal lagoon research challenge, and funding research working at the cutting edge of tidal lagoon-related issues, we will make a significant contribution to the deliverability of a future tidal lagoon project in Wales, and move forward the sector as a whole.”

The keynote speech spanned the full breadth of the marine energy sector, covering wave, tidal and floating offshore wind. Telling delegates the Welsh Government was determined to see full-range of benefits coming to Wales from floating offshore wind development in the Celtic Sea, he spoke about the need for The Crown Estate to secure strong and binding supply chain development plans.

The First Minister went on to tour the exhibition hall and speak to a wide variety of Marine Energy Wales members developing projects in Wales.

Tom Hill, Marine Energy Wales Programme Manager said:

“We are delighted to welcome the First Minister of Wales back to our conference. Political support and understanding is essential to our mission to grow and develop the marine energy industry, tackle the climate emergency and succeed in delivering a sustainable, prosperous future. The success of this event is the power to bring all the key decision makers and stakeholders together to further that ambition.”