Home » Webinar: the blue economy and marine surveys

Enzen and Bombora invite you to join a free webinar to find out about Blue Energy and why marine surveys are such integral success factors.

Thursday 30th April

10:30am UK 

Bombora, together with strategic partner Enzen Spain, is part of a consortium responding to the decarbonisation strategy of the Cabildo de Lanzarote, the Spanish Canary Island’s governing body. They have recently completed the survey campaign for a 3.0MW mWave™ Lanzarote Wave Park Project, a crucial part of the Cabildo’s commitment to reducing the island’s dependence on diesel-fuelled power generation whilst achieving minimal visual impact.

The expert team, Alexandra de Marichalar from Enzen and Rory Van Weerdenburg from Bombora will look at:

– A brief introduction to the blue economy
– The importance of marine studies as a key success factor in the bankability of projects.
– The basis for conducting a marine survey for wave generation and offshore wind power.

The Webinar will be in English.

Click here to register.