Two of our Premium Members in North Wales have been hosting Ministerial visits this week.

Greg Hands, UK Minister for Business, Energy and Clean Growth called in for a tour of Minesto’s assembly hall facility in Holyhead. Referring to the recent British Energy Security Strategy, Minister Hands said:

“There’s huge potential in the UK’s tides. That’s why the Government has committed to aggressively explore tidal power.”

Minesto CEO, Dr Martin Edlund, had the opportunity to discuss the estimated 4GW potential for Minesto’s technology in exploiting low-flow tidal streams in the UK. 

Minesto’s proposed build-out of an 80 MW commercial array in the waters outside Holyhead was also presented to the Minister. The site, named Holyhead Deep, has been verified as an ideal location for a first commercial tidal kite array in the UK to tap into a future gigawatt potential. Key assets established by Minesto in Wales include an Agreement for Lease for a 10MW installation, a state-of-the art assembly hall and a highly skilled commissioning and operations team.

Meanwhile, the Welsh Government’s Deputy Minister for Climate Change, Lee Waters AM, has also been out to South Stack on Anglesey to hear more about the Morlais Energy tidal project and speak to the environmental management and monitoring team.