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Home » Marine Power Systems lands support from the offshore wind growth partnership

Marine Power Systems has won the support of the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OGWP) through the Wind Expert Support Toolkit (WEST) programme where only the highest scoring applicants are selected for support.

The programme provides needs-focussed expert business support, market intelligence and sector insights to existing and cross sector supply chain companies to help meet the needs of the sector, build a strong UK supply chain and maximise the economic benefits of the UK’s world leading position in offshore wind.

Through the partnership programme Marine Power Systems will work closely with a reputable global partner, bringing significant knowledge and experience in floating offshore wind, to accelerate and optimise their commercial strategy and ensure the business and their strategic partners capitalise from the huge global opportunity floating offshore wind represents.

Martin Carruth, Commercial Director at MPS commented: “The support we receive will help us further sharpen our commercial strategy and the targeting of the multiple markets our unique and modular technology supports. From utility scale grid connected farms, where our clients recognise the additional value derived from a combined wind and wave device to oil and gas platform electrification and supporting generation of green hydrogen. It goes without saying that we are really excited to have won this support from the OGWP”

The partnership comes at an exciting time for Marine Power Systems; following the completion of a hugely successful crowdfunding round where the business raised £4.2m, doubling their original target and as they focus on the delivery of their grid connected commercial demonstrator.

Marine Power Systems are now working on the deployment of a grid connected commercial megawatt scale wind and wave device in northern Spain at the Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) as well as the deployment of a pre-commercial scale array at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Orkney. At the EMEC site a seabed survey has been completed and that data is feeding into the detailed design of the anchoring and mooring system.

Comparisons to equivalent technologies for floating platforms indicates that Marine Power Systems’ unique and patented platform technology, with a combined wind and wave ability, is extremely costeffective when deployed at scale and is forecast to be cost-competitive with fixed offshore wind.