Home » Interreg – Targeted call on renewable energy in 2018


The North West Europe Programme has recently opened a targeted call on renewable energy, closing 31st July. There is €50m available and now is the time to start thinking of forming a successful transnational project.

North-West Europe is one of the highest energy consuming regions in the EU and faces a number of energy-related challenges, including the low share of renewables in the production and consumption mix and NWE’s strong dependence on non-renewable energy sources.  NWE regions thus need to improve renewable energy distribution and generation infrastructure to reach the EU 2030 targets and to reduce GHG emissions.

In this context, in 2018 the NWE Programme launched a targeted call to support projects that contribute to increasing the share of renewable energy supply and demand in North-West Europe.

For this call, a maximum of €50m ERDF is available under Priority 2 Low Carbon.

All projects need to be secure match-funding prior to approval. The maximum ERDF grant rate for partners is 60% of the total project budget. The partnership will need to provide the remainder.

The deadline will be NOON (CET) on the 31st of July, 2018.  

Full details on the call can be found here


A Project Ideas Lab is being held on 28th February specifically aimed at prospective applicants. The event will be structured around giving participants the floor to network, find new partners and develop project ideas. Registration is currently open here