The MaRINET2 project has opened a call for applications. Successful applicants will receive free access to a world-leading network of testing and research infrastructures. The call is open to offshore energy technology developers, including wind, wave and tidal energy at system and component level. It is open until 20th May 2017.
MaRINET2 is a €10.5m project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, and coordinated by the MaREI (Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland) Centre. The project will accelerate the development of offshore renewable energy technologies by providing free-of-charge access to a network of 57 research facilities across Europe. Access will be granted through a series of competitive calls for applicants.
MaRINET2 Project Coordinator, Jimmy Murphy, University College Cork, highlighted the value of the project for the offshore renewable energy sector: “Over the next four years, MaRINET2 will be an important instrument in reducing the cost of development in Europe’s offshore renewable energy sector. It will keep innovative new technologies progressing towards the marketplace, and keep Europe at the cutting edge of development globally. It will also strengthen Europe’s network of world-leading offshore renewables research infrastructure”.
Jose Luis Villate, MaRINET2 Dissemination Coordinator, Tecnalia and offshore renewable energy director at TECNALIA highlighted the need of collaboration around offshore renewable technologies: “Access to testing and research infrastructures within MaRINET2 will open collaboration opportunities among different actors in the sector. This is a positive development”.
Christophe Maisondieu, Marinet2 Access Coordinator, Ifremer welcomed the project: “The first Marinet project supported 178 projects over a period of 4.5 years, and had a considerable impact on research into offshore renewables in Europe. We will look forward to building on this success in MaRINET2, and help develop exciting new renewable energy technologies from around Europe”.
For details on eligibility criteria, how to apply, available testing infrastructures etc, please visit the Marinet2 website: