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Home » Tidal developer visits Morlais site

Anglesey tidal energy scheme, Morlais, welcomed Spanish developer, Magallanes on site last week.

It was their first visit since the beginning of construction and since Magallanes secured one of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) as part of the most recent government renewable energy auction. During their visit the delegation had an opportunity to meet the construction team at the landfall substation site, as well as see the berth site proposed for Magallanes devices.

Andy Billcliff, Morlais CEO said: “We’re delighted to welcome Alejandro Marques and the team to Anglesey and to show them progress on site. So much has happened since their last trip, not least securing Welsh Government consent and marine licence from Natural Resources Wales.

“Our model for Morlais is unique – the project is owned and run by local social enterprise, Menter Môn, working with international turbine developers to generate low carbon electricity. We have one of the strongest tidal resources in the world here, which means that by partnering with businesses like Magallanes we can put Ynys Môn on the global stage in terms of tidal energy.”

This will be the first commercial deployment for Magallanes, and they are committed like Menter Môn to creating long term jobs and opportunites in north west Wales.  With their CfD award and guaranteed price for the electricity they will be able to deliver 6MW of clean renewable power as part of Morlais.

Since Menter Môn won the Crown Estate lease to manage the zone in 2014 – one of its key drivers has been securing local jobs and boosting the local economy. Magallanes is already in conversation with local business and are committed to ensuring as much as possible of their spend remains local.

Morlais is the largest consented tidal energy development run by a social enterprise in the UK. Once constructed it will see clean electricity generated off the coast of Anglesey and has the potential to scale up over time to a generating capacity of 240MW.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development fund through the Welsh Government.  It is also supported by the Isle of Anglesey County Council, North Wales Growth Deal, as well as The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.