Home » We are hiring – MEW Project Coordinator SELKIE project (Maternity Cover)

Join our team – MEW Project Coordinator – SELKIE Project (Maternity cover)


Do you want to join us in creating sustainable coasts and oceans for future generations?

Established in 2000, Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum (PCF) is a multi-award-winning Community Interest Company that works to enhance the coast and marine environments for current and future generations. As a coastal partnership PCF has developed a range of collaborative projects, often viewed as sustainable best practice, including the Pembrokeshire Marine Code and Outdoor Charter, Wales Activity Mapping and Marine Energy Wales.

Marine Energy Wales (MEW), a successful PCF project, brings together technology developers, the supply chain, academia and the public sector aiming to create a thriving and diverse marine energy sector in Wales.

The exciting role will involve working with MEW, the PCF team and the wider SELKIE project partners to deliver the ‘Dissemination Communication and Mobilisation’ package of the SELKIE project. Your role will involve helping to ensure that the SELKIE project outputs and results are shared and communicated effectively through a variety of channels, to all project stakeholders.

The SELKIE project will be delivered by a consortium of 2 higher education institutions University College Cork and Swansea University and 4 expert SMEs; GDG Ltd; DP Energy Ireland Ltd; Marine Energy Wales (MEW) and Menter Môn with the objective of facilitating the commercialisation of Marine Renewable Energy technologies for deployment in Ireland and Wales.

Click here to view the job description in English
Click here to view the job description in Welsh

Interested? Well, here’s a little more about us….

This is an excellent opportunity to be part of an exciting innovative Community Interest Company based in the UK’s only coastal National Park. Join our team of likeminded passionate people working on coastal sustainability.

Bring along your ideas and innovations, help deliver award winning outcomes, and make a genuine change to local and wider society. With benefits including healthcare, highly competitive pension, flexible working policy and a fresh forward-thinking business ethos, we pride ourselves on being an attractive and a fair play Chwarae Teg employer.

Salary: £26,000

Application Deadline: Friday (noon) 18th June

Start Date: ASAP

Currently home working. Office based in Pembroke Dock

Click here to download the application form in English
Click here to download the application form in Welsh
Click here to download the equal opportunities form in English
Click here to download the equal opportunities form in Welsh

To apply for this position please complete and return the application form along with the equal opportunities form to James Dyer – james.dyer@pembrokeshirecoastalforum.org.uk


YMUNWCH Â’N TÎM – Cydlynydd Prosiect Ynni Morol Cymru – Prosiect SELKIE (cyfnod mamolaeth) 

Ydych chi am ymuno â ni i greu arfordiroedd a chefnforoedd cynaliadwy ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol?

Mae Fforwm Arfordir Sir Benfro (PCF), a sefydlwyd yn 2000, yn Gwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr ac mae’n gweithio i wella amgylcheddau’r arfordir a’r môr ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r presennol a’r dyfodol. Fel partneriaeth arfordirol, mae PCF wedi datblygu amrywiaeth o brosiectau cydweithredol, a ystyrir yn aml fel arfer gorau cynaliadwy, gan gynnwys Cod Morol Sir Benfro a Siarter Awyr Agored, Mapio Gweithgaredd Cymru ac Ynni Morol Cymru.

Mae Ynni Morol Cymru (MEW), prosiect llwyddiannus PCF, yn dod â datblygwyr technoleg, y gadwyn gyflenwi, y byd academaidd a’r sector cyhoeddus at ei gilydd gyda’r nod o greu sector ynni morol ffyniannus ac amrywiol yng Nghymru.

Bydd y rôl gyffrous hon yn cynnwys gweithio gydag MEW, y tîm PCF a phartneriaid ehangach y prosiect ynni morol i gyflwyno’r pecyn ‘Dissemination Communication and Mobilisation’ y prosiect ynni morol. Bydd eich rôl yn cynnwys helpu i sicrhau bod allbynnau a chanlyniadau’r prosiect yn cael eu rhannu a’u cyfathrebu’n effeithiol trwy amrywiaeth o sianelau, i holl randdeiliaid y prosiect.

Cyflwynir prosiect INTERREG Cymru Iwerddon gan gonsortiwm o 2 sefydliad addysg uwch Coleg y Brifysgol Cork a Phrifysgol Abertawe a 4 BBaCh arbenigol; GDG Ltd; DP Energy Ireland Ltd; Ynni Morol Cymru (MEW) a Menter Môn gyda’r nod o hwyluso masnacheiddio technolegau Ynni Adnewyddadwy Morol i’w defnyddio yn Iwerddon a Chymru.


Cliciwch yma i weld y disgrifiad swydd yn Gymraeg
Cliciwch yma i weld y disgrifiad swydd yn Saesneg



Dyma gyfle gwych i fod yn rhan o Gwmni Budd Cymunedol cyffrous, arloesol wedi’i leoli yn unig Barc Cenedlaethol arfordirol y DU. Ymunwch â’n tîm o bobl angerddol tebyg sy’n gweithio ar gynaliadwyedd arfordirol.

Dewch â’ch syniadau a’ch datblygiadau arloesol gyda chi, helpwch i sicrhau canlyniadau sy’n ennill gwobrau, a gwnewch newid gwirioneddol i’r gymdeithas leol ac ehangach. Gyda buddion yn cynnwys gofal iechyd, pensiwn cystadleuol iawn, polisi gweithio hyblyg ac ethos busnes blaengar, rydym yn ymfalchïo mewn bod yn gyflogwr deniadol a chyflogwr Chwarae Teg.

Cyflog: £26,000

Dyddiad cau ar gyfer gwneud cais: Dydd Gwener (hanner dydd) 18 Mehefin.
Dyddiad Cychwyn: Cyn gynted â phosibl.

Gweithio gartref ar hyn o bryd.

Cliciwch yma i lawrlwytho’r ffurflen gais yn Gymraeg
Cliciwch yma i lawrlwytho’r ffurflen gais yn Saesneg
Cliciwch yma i lawrlwytho’r ffurflen cyfle cyfartal yn Gymraeg
Cliciwch yma i lawrlwytho’r ffurflen cyfle cyfartal yn Saesneg

I wneud cais am y swydd hon cwblhewch a dychwelwch y ffurflen gais ynghyd â’r ffurflen cyfle cyfartal at James Dyer – james.dyer@pembrokeshirecoastalforum.org.uk