Home » Wales and Canada continue to build marine energy relationship

Marine Energy Wales will be making a momentous visit across the Atlantic to attend the Marine Renewables Canada 2017 Conference, to share knowledge and experience of their work within the marine energy sector.

The annual conference which is taking place in Ottawa on the 8th and 9th November is the biggest event in the Canadian calendar. The event will bring together Marine Renewables Canada members, government, academia, other industry, and delegates from around the world to discuss current marine renewable energy activities, and needs for the sector in Canada and globally.

The mission forms part of the MoU signed by both organisations last year to share knowledge and support the development of marine energy across the world. Both countries are leading the way in marine energy development and this positive collaboration and relationship-building aims to strengthen the industry through shared learning.

Amanda White, Operations Director at Marine Renewables Canada said, “Wales is recognized as a leading jurisdiction in marine renewable energy development and Marine Energy Wales attendance at our conference will allow us to share lessons learned, discuss potential collaborations, and strengthen the ties between Canada and Wales.”

The theme for this year’s conference will be to explore the path forward for marine renewable energy, examining what the strategy going forward could look like, and how the growing focus and priority on renewables by society, investors, and governments will play a role. The agenda features highlights on Canadian achievements to date as well as updates on the global industry, insights on strategies and policies which could accelerate sector development and future opportunities and challenges.

Marine Energy Wales will form part of an international delegation visiting the conference, funded by the Government of Canada, who will connect and inform the Canadian sector about progress, opportunities and lessons learned across the world.

David Jones, Project Director of Marine Energy Wales commented, “We are delighted to accept the invitation to attend the Marine Renewables Canada conference as this event will be important for us to strengthen our ties with the Canadian industry. Our two organisations have been key drivers for marine energy in our respective nations, and we share many of the same aims and objectives. We have already agreed to welcome MRC and their members to our 2018 conference and so we look forward to continuing to build on this important relationship.”

Online registration for the conference is open on the Marine Renewables Canada website here where further information can also be found on the event and the programme.