Marine Energy Wales
Home » Minesto job vacancies


Minesto are currently advertising for a number of roles – click on each one to open up the job description and person specification.



Minesto is one of the world’s leading developers of innovative tidal power technology.

The company was set up in 2007 to commercialize a tidal energy converter initially invented by SAAB AB (the aircraft manufacturer). Known as Deep Green, Minesto’ s device is an underwater kite designed to generate electricity by capturing power from low velocity tides and ocean currents. The company is on track to deliver its first full-scale Deep Green array. This array will be installed off the coast of Anglesey and scaled up to 10MW by 2020. Minesto is now setting up UK subsidiary to deliver the Deep Green 10MW project.

With powerful investors, global potential and support from both the EU, Swedish and British governments we are now hiring world-class engineers. Minesto offers an inspiring technical challenge, an opportunity to take part in the product development cycle and the chance to really change the world. Are you interested?

The successful candidates will be joining a pioneering team in an emerging renewable energy sector with exceptional international market potential.

To Apply

Please send your CV and covering letter to as soon as possible. Mark your application with the job title you are applying for.