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Home » Supergen ORE Hub extends Flexible Funding call 2

As you will be aware, over the past week many teams across Universities and other Organisations have had to make exceptional changes to their working practices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To allow for a period of adjustment to these new ways of working, the Supergen ORE Hub has taken the decision to extend the second Flexible Funding call for a period of two weeks.

Therefore the new deadline for EOIs is 5pm (BST), 17 April 2020.

You can view full details of the call, including the amended dates for the various deadlines, by following the link provided above or by visiting the Supergen ORE Hub website

About this call
This is the second call for proposals from the Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund. The Flexible Fund will seed areas that compliment existing research, fill gaps or add cross-cutting activities to explore the transfer of research findings between sectors within offshore renewable energy