Home » Bombora Coronavirus Response and Business Continuity

Marine energy company Bombora is closely monitoring the fast-moving developments relating to the global coronavirus pandemic to minimise the impact on both its 1.5MW mWave Pembrokeshire Project and its business in general.

In line with UK Government and World Health Organisation advice, Bombora has put the safety of its staff at the forefront. Bombora’s European Head Office in Wales is now closed and staff are working from home.

Bombora’s Managing Director, Sam Leighton, said:

“We are working closely with our supply chain to minimise any delays in the timing of the 1.5MW mWave Pembrokeshire Project. The health and safety of our staff, their families and our global supply chain colleagues is paramount at this time. Fortunately, we are a small agile organisation and can quickly adapt in fast moving situations. I have no doubt we will become an even more focussed, resourceful and resilient organisation as a result of this experience.”

Bombora’s Pembrokeshire mWave product is a milestone project for the marine energy sector. Never before has a full-scale 1.5MW wave energy converter been deployed in the ocean. Bombora’s mWave project is part funded by a £10.3 million grant from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.

Click here to read the full announcement.